About the writer

Welcome to Aesthetics with Johanna Jay!

Hi! I'm Johanna Jay, I come from Sweden and I'm 24 years of age. I write about my favourite things in the world - movies, music & books.  

As a little kid I've always enjoyed listening and singing along to songs that played on the radio & MTV and then after a few years I figured that I could make music myself so I started to play the guitar and took a few lessons at school. I also played the piano, I still do, but in this I'm self-taught. As a kid I loved watching movies with magic, and my attention grew to Disney and then I watched movies of the genres mystery and fantasy. I still like Disney, mystery and fantasy but now I'm more into drama and comedy. 

Then life happened and things moved too fast for me to realise what I wanted to do with my life and here I am! I started this blog to share myself within my interests and step out of my comfort zone.

To run this blog, watch movies and show you music and an aesthetic view on life is special for me. I hope to inspire but mostly entertain you readers with my critics. This blog started in 2014, and now 2019 I'm back in business.

Bye for now, and Hello for later!

Johanna Jay

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