Sunday, 27 April 2014

Sunday Stories   Sunday Announcement

This. This blog that I randomly made is working as it should but there's a slight change that I will make, there'll be no Sunday Stories. I discovered that it simply is too much writing about 3 topics when you only have time for 2 of them. Call me crazy but most of my time I spend is with school work... I also spend my time with my family and a few friends every now and then.

Something that I've been thinking of is social medias, and posting my social media links here... there's 2 that I use the most and that is Instagram and Twitter. You can follow me if you want to, it's not like you have to. On Instagram you'll find me as johannaisjay/Johanna Jay and on Twitter you can find me under the same name. You can find out more about me there than here since I use this website for my interests in music and movies.

I'm sorry for putting Sunday Stories down this fast but it is for the best and announcements like this one can come anytime where I talk about anything besides music and movies.

I hope you have/had a great day, there's always that time difference!

Bye for now, hello for later!

Johanna Jay

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