Wednesday, 18 December 2019

What's new

Hello and welcome (back) to my blog šŸ˜Š

It's now been 4 years since my last post and I have been thinking about this blog from time to time. Just recently I made up my mind and thought I should probably bring it back. This is because I miss updating about movies or music, but mostly for the entertainment it brings to me (and hopefully you too!). I want to get back to writing about reviews and updates again, and of course bringing it back with this very blog.

Hopefully, I will be doing one more update before the new year BUT I won't be making any promises because anything can happen. Either I could get sick, injured or simply have other priorities like my education or with my family/friends. I guess life is just unpredictable šŸ¤· 
So, I hope you will bear with me through life and all of the upcoming posts. 

If you do have any requests for me to read, watch or hear, I'm all ears (and eyes)!

Bye for now and hello for later
- Johanna Jay -

By the way I did update this blog, for more info check out "About this blog"

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Dearest reader

Time has flown by too fast. It's new years. Happy 2015, everyone!

Now, there's a reason for why I am writing this today and that's why I have decided to do something new since it's new years. 

Drum roll, please. 


Now, I know that I've come so far with this blog but I just don't want the pressure anymore.
"Do this! Do that! Make it happen!" 

But to make what happen? I don't know. I've gone nowhere with writing about movies, music and books besides with my English. I want to do something more real.

Something like about my health, because that's something I believe we all struggle with. I've struggled a lot with this...

For you that has been with me since the start - I'm sorry but this is my decision and my life and believe me or not but I want to change it.

I'm so sorry. Thank you for reading and hopefully understanding <3

Bye for now, and hello for later

Johanna Jay

P.S. This blog will still be here, for your entertainment :)
Spoiler: This is not a permanent good-bye. I may comeback to this later on in life. 

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Movie Weekend

Dear reader

For this movie weekend I've chosen to watch only one movie, to be recommended and reviewed. As Christmas is coming up I thought it would be a great idea to watch a Christmas movie. So, I went through the internet to find a Christmas movie that I haven't watched before so I found Arthur Christmas, a family movie.

Language: English
Country: US
Director: Sarah Smith
Producer: Steve Pegram
Cinematography: Jericca Cleland
Composer: Harry Gregson-Williams
Distributed by: Columbia Pictures
Release date: November 23rd, 2011

3 Notable Actors: James McAvoy, Jim Broadbent & Ashley Jensen

Arthur is the son of Santa Claus and he works with composing letters to children who writes to Santa Claus. But one day when a christmas gift gets taken off the tracks, they miss giving one child a christmas gift. So, Arthur decides to take off on a journey to give that child a merry christmas. 

This is a movie that made me laugh and shed a tear. A beautiful movie about christmas and how everything changes from being old into new. To new beginnings and to a brighter future.


If you wanna know what's been going on lately - I made a video on my YouTube channel to round things up, as to say I made a look-back of my year in 2014 - click this link to see that. 

And because I'm taking a winter break, for next week and the week, after that we'll see how I do next year later. I will tell you next year how I'm doing and how everything is and what I'll be doing with this blog. Spoiler: Things may change.

For so long - Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Bye for now and hello for later!

Johanna Jay

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Book Wednesday

Dear reader

Welcome to this Book Wednesday!

So, today I have a special announcement about me and my book reading... I don't have time for reading this December. I love to be honest and open about what's up so here it goes. I wrote that I need to read out Mockingjay (Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games series) and start+finish reading Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson) as well as starting on the Fangirl (Rainbow Rowell) book.

This is not going to happen and I'm sure that you can make time happen for reading but there's something else. Sure I love books and content and stories but I am not a reader. By this I mean that I do like to read every now and then BUT not that often at all. I mostly enjoy watching video clips on YouTube and if I would choose between watching and reading I would choose watching. Don't get me wrong I used to love to read but not as much as I do now. It's now that I've realised that I cannot continue writing about books that I'm reading, because I just don't seem to actually read it.

I don't know about you but I'm still going to write about books every wednesday (until the holidays, week 52).

Hope you enjoyed this little update on this bookin' wednesday and I'll write you later.

Bye for now and hello for later!

Johanna Jay

Monday, 8 December 2014

Music Monday

Dear readers

For this time I decided that it was time for me to make a cover of Have yourself a merry little christmas by Bing Crosby. As christmas is around the corner I figured that it was time. 

Hope you enjoy this video and I'll write you later.

Bye for now and hello for later!

Johanna Jay

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Movie Weekend

Language: English
Country: US
Director: Brad Bird
Producer: Brad Lewis
Cinematography: Sharon Calahan & Robert Anderson
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Distributed by: Buena Vista Pictures
Release date: June 29th, 2007
3 Notable Actors: Patton Oswalt, Lou Romano & Ian Holm

Remy, a rat finds himself through making food and he also finds himself in a kitchen of a restaurant. This is the story of a rat, the new best friend of a man. 

Great movie, I love food but I donā€™t love rats so it was a funny combination. Itā€™s a 8/10. 
Language: English
Country: US
Director: Peggy Holmes
Producer: Kendra Halland
Composer: James Dooley & Jeanine Tesori
Distributed by: Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
Release date: August 26th, 2008
3 Notable Actors: Jodi Benson, Samuel E. Wright & Parker Goris

King Triton, Queen Athena and their kids lives in a magical under sea world full of happiness until one day. That day when they were sitting by the rocks, playing music, when suddenly a pirate ship approaches and when Athena tries to save a music box she gets accidentally killed by the ship itself. King Triton is of course saddened and actually bans music from the entire kingdom. Only ten years later, Ariel finds herself discovering music again in an ā€œundergroundā€ club and ā€¦

We get to see Arielā€™s beginning which is as a for me as a fangirl was and still is a pretty huge deal. This movie comes with surprises and itā€™s so cute. I give this movie a 10/10. 

Hope you enjoyed this little movie weekend, I'll write you later so bye for now and hello for later!
Johanna Jay

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Book Wednesday

Dear reader

Welcome to this Book Wednesday!

So, today I got a new book from the local library called Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I chose this book to read because I've seen it in a YouTube video and *spontaneous laughter* and I am also fascinated about the art of fangirling. I haven't read what it's about or anything and I'd love to be surprised by this book to see what it is really about. The book looks to thick on this picture but it's actually 433 pages long so it's a bit fat.

BUT Before I start on this book I have to read out Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins and Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. As I don't really like reading more than one book at a time believe me when I say 'it's going to take time'.

Hope you liked this little update on my readings this book wednesday and I'll write you later.

Bye for now and hello for later!

Johanna Jay